Literary Agent

The Crow: The Third Book of Pellinor

by Alison Croggon

The earth is poisoned by a deep wrongness and the forces of the Nameless One grow ever stronger. The Treesong – the key to restoring peace – is lost, and only Hem’s sister, Maerad, can unravel its mysteries. While she seeks answers in the north, Hem is sent south to Turbansk with his guardian, Saliman. Troubled and unhappy, Hem is haunted by his bitter past and uncertain of his future, as evil forces threaten to destroy the city. But his destiny may be linked to the Treesong more closely than he knows . . .

The Crow is an amazing tale filled with extremes of horror and beauty, set against the unforgettable landscapes of Edil-Amarandh. This third book in the highly acclaimed Pellinor sequence, follows Hem’s perilous journey – aided by his pet crow, Irc – as he spies on the child armies of the Dark.